Tuesday, 10 April 2012

“Snoring” a poem by Ian Hollis

In our first exercise for Introduction to English Literature, we had to analyze a poem ... I don't like poetry at all, and while I did make a weak attempt at analyzing the poem, I ultimately go so fed up with it, that I just ended up writing a poem about how much I dislike poetry, and here it is:

“Snoring” by Ian Hollis

Poetry, I like it not,
I find it such a bore.
Hours come and hours go,
snore, snore, snore.

The teachers seem to think it magic,
these words of long ago
Myself I think it’s rather tragic
Please can we let it go?

In lectures and tutorials,
it’s all explained quite clear,
but just to me it all goes in,
and out the other ear.

Tropes, and meters, figures too,
and their specific explanations
all this stuff I care not about,
it’s such pontification!

Complex the definition words,
I’m discombobulated,
Sonnets, Odes and prose and such,
it all seems so over-rated.

I know I’m not the only one,
who feels such as I do
This stuff I learnt so long ago,
My God, am I back at school?!

Those school days, I remember them,
and remember them quite clear,
Having lunch with all my friends,
my memories all quite dear.

Oh, what, what’s that; it’s time for class?
I found them such a bore.
Those hours came and those hours went,
snore, snore, snore.

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